
PMM Files πŸ—‚οΈ

PMM Files #77 - AI Underlords, Spot-On Segmentation, and Entering The Demo Arena

Read Time: 3.2 minutes

Thanks for reading PMM Files. A newsletter where we share five cool product marketing examples we found last week.

Let's get to it...


Example #1 - Make AI Your Underlord

No one wants an AI overlord, but everyone could use an AI Underlord.

Descript playfully addresses common AI fears and push back by refocusing on how their product empowers creativity.

What a cheeky way to build user confidence in AI.

​→ See how Descript makes AI your Underlord​


Example #2 - SpotOn Segmentation

Here's a great example of how to speak to multiple segments on your website. This page shows various all restaurants how they’ll benefit from SpotOn's point-of-sale solution.

You can quickly flip through multiple restaurant types to see their use case in action, then drill down further to dedicated landing pages for each segment.

SpotOn hit the spot with this one.

​→ Spot the personas and use cases on SpotOn's website​


Example #3 - Pay With Money, Not Privacy

Since when did not being free become a differentiator?

Commento turns pricing into a competitive edge against Facebook and Disqus. How? When you use Commento you’re paying with money, not your privacy and data. It’s a clever way of using the 'anti' position to win.

​→ See why you should pay for Commento​


Example #4 - Step into Klue’s Demo Arena

Klue nailed it with their interactive demo experience. It’s organized by persona for a tailored view of the product’s key use cases.

Plus, calling it a 'demo arena' adds a fun twist. Top marks for creativity and relevance!

​→ Step into Klue's demo arena​


Example #5 - Figma Slides, Behind the Scenes

Figma kept the thunder rolling after launching Slides with a behind-the-scenes look at the product’s creation.

It’s a smart way to extend the post-launch conversation with something authentic and entertaining, not just promotional. It's also relevant content for Figma’s audience of product builders.

​→ Get a look at the making of Figma Slides​


Want more examples?

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Founding PMM Jobs

I've started a simple job board, focused on curating new Founding PMM job opportunities.

Some highlights from this week:


​Find More Founding PMM Jobs ↗️​



3 More Things

Three articles, posts, or tools you should add to your swipe file.

  1. ​Hype Cycle Opportunities – Anna Borbotko shares insights on how any PMM can navigate and thrive through the phases of Rahim Kaba’s PMM Hype Cycle.
  2. ​Understand Sales – To excel as a PMM, you must understand what makes Sales succeed. Gabe Rogol shares 5 strategies that helped Demandbase grow from $10M to $100M.
  3. ​The Ultimate Guide to SaaS Metrics - Equals has started building a reputation for their super in-depth how-to guides. This is one of the most comprehensive breakdowns of SaaS metrics I've ever seen.


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See you next Wednesday!

Jason and Aubrey



I work with startups and founding PMMs that are trying to build product marketing from zero. If that sounds like you, here are some ways I can help:

​Jason and Aubrey​
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PMM Files πŸ—‚οΈ

Every week, I share 5 practical product marketing examples. Your weekly dose of PMM inspiration and practical advice in less than 3 minutes.

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