
PMM Files πŸ—‚οΈ

PMM Files #79 - Competitive Heros, Credibility Boosters, and Less Bullsh*t

Read Time: 3.7 minutes

Thanks for reading PMM Files. A newsletter where we share five cool product marketing examples we found last week.

Let's get to it...


Example #1 - Central Handles the Bullsh*t

Central knows what startups care about β†’ building their business and staying focused.

From the homepage hero to the company name, I love how Central communicates their value proposition. They manage all of the administrative bullsh*t, so startups can stay focused on what’s central to their business.

​→ See Central’s awesome homepage and hero in action​


Example #2 - Winning Competitive Hero

This is a great example of a well-executed comparison page hero. Right away, Dyte explains why it's better than Agora: its more developer-friendly.

They then hit you with a strong 'so what' statement: "Stop wasting developer bandwidth..."

And back it up with powerful social proof and clear metrics.

​→ Check out Dyte’s winning competitive hero​


Example #3 - Customer Success is Our Success

Most customer pages focus on the company, not the customer.

Orum is different. Their customer page taps into the underlying motivations of customers, instead of just trying to sell a product with social proof.
I especially like this line: β€œCustomer Success is Our Success”.

​→ See how Orum puts customers center stage​


Example #4 - Credibility Boosters

Here’s a trend that’s popping up more frequently: β€œcredibility boosters”

Ways to give buyers confidence and show early credibility, without necessarily having a lot of customer proof.

If you’ve got something impressive like backing from Y Combinator or being named a top tool by a major publication, why not leverage it to strengthen your positioning?

​→ See how Circleback uses credibility boosters​


Example #5 - β€œDo It All” Product Pic

Want to highlight a single clear benefit in a visually compelling way? Pair strong copy with an engaging product image that shows how your product delivers.

Faye nails this on their homepage with an awesome product image framed by its key benefit. The image clearly demonstrates how Faye’s 'do-it-all app,' makes travel insurance easy on the go.

​→ Check out Faye's 'do it all' product pic​


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Founding PMM Jobs

I've started a simple job board, focused on curating new Founding PMM job opportunities.

Some highlights from this week:


​Find More Founding PMM Jobs ↗️​



3 More Things

Three articles, posts, or tools you should add to your swipe file.

  1. ​Launch Reality Check – Got a big launch target? Use my calculator to estimate your actual chances of hitting it based on available channels.
  2. ​Know Your Launch Audience - Tamara Grominsky’s framework helps you get clear on what your most senior executive audience cares about for launch.
  3. ​Feature Decision Check – Unsure if your new feature should be free or paid? Use Elena Verna’s framework to make strategic and thoughtful decisions that drive better monetization.


What did you think of this week's edition?

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See you next Wednesday!

Jason and Aubrey



I work with startups and founding PMMs that are trying to build product marketing from zero. If that sounds like you, here are some ways I can help:

​Jason and Aubrey​
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PMM Files πŸ—‚οΈ

Every week, I share 5 practical product marketing examples. Your weekly dose of PMM inspiration and practical advice in less than 3 minutes.

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